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Lao Agriculture Competitiveness Project (LACP) virtual meeting the 6th implementation to support mission during 17-25 June 2021

LACP the 6th implementation support mission via Video Conference was help during 17-25 June 2021, at Virtual meeting room of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Sousath Sayakoummane, Director General of Department of Planning and Finance, with representative from technical department from Ministry of Agriculture and forestry, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Provincial Agriculture and Forestry, Provincial Industry and Commerce, World Bank, SNV Netherlands Development Organization, International Rice Research Institute and National Project Management Official.

The meeting’s goal is to provide an update on the project implementation status since the last mission in December 2020. Each component’s implementation contains the following: 1). Follow up on each mission’s progress from the previous one; 2). Examine the FPG and Agribusiness investment plants; 3). Continue to analyze and enhance the environmental and social assessments report based on the feasibility study and detailed design of the feasibility study, as well as the evaluation of the already assessed irrigation project (1B) and refurbishment plans; 4). The central level (NPMO) and provincial level management should expedite the project’s implementation.

For the result of this mission, the World Bank team will use the outcomes as a reference point for priorities in the next six months of discussions and to prepare for the future project’s mid-term review on September 7, 2021.

Due to the current epidemic of Covid-19, some project activities have been delayed and intermittent due to the inability of foreign consultants to work in Lao PDR and the fact that local consultants have not been able to travel to the local area regularly and efficiently, but there are still many activities that can be implemented and get good results. Therefore, to achieve the goals of the project that have identified 3 indicators to get good results and on time during the project implementation, all components of the project, both central and local, must concentrate on completing their tasks to the best of their abilities to meet all set targets.