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Learning Exchange Workshop on Geo-mapping Technology and Geo-tagging Technology

From the period of 17-21 February 2020, the Lao Agriculture Competitiveness Project participated learning exchange workshop on the use of Geo-mapping Technology and Geo-tagging Technology. The Lao delegation was led by Mr. Thippavong OUNLA, Deputy-Director General of Policy and Legal Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. The Lao participants on this exchange workshop were from the central and provincial levels such as the Central-Provincial Coordinators, Technical Officers from the Technical Departments – Provincial Departments from Agriculture and Forestry and Industrial and Commerce sectors and consultants from the National Project Management Office.

The main purpose of the workshop was to exchange lessons learnt on the use of information technology, software and application to utilize in the planning and monitoring the implementation of the activities to identify location, production area, and progression of each activities.

During the workshop, the Lao delegates had discussed and consulted on the using software and application to assist in the monitoring and evaluation sub-projects such as construction projects, road construction, cold storage, production areas and so on. Moreover, the lao delegates went on field trip to Talavera and Balayan City to visit the area of the construction. From the entire learning exchange, Lao delegations be able to obtain lesson learned on how to using modern information technology to monitoring the implementation of the project, the benefits of building roads to link farmers to markets, post-harvest techniques by using cold storage, production mechanism and certification, production area management, promotion policies, public, private and producers participation (PPPP). For the overall of learning will be leaded to implementation of the project in Lao PDR.