On the 20 September 2023, LACP held the 10th Wrap-up implement support mission at Don Chan Palace Hotel. The meeting was Co-chaired by Dr. Phommy Inthichack, Deputy Director General of Department of Planning and Cooperation and Mr. Binh Thang Cao Task Team Leader from the World Bank. The meeting was participated by DG and DDG form departments and institutes of MAF and MOIC, Provincial Department of Agriculture and Forestry from the target provinces, WB team and relevant stakeholders. The Implement Support Mission which started from 06-20 September 2023, Coordinators from the MAF’s departments and coordinators from central and provinces worked together with the World Bank team this time. The meeting was reported the results of the implementation of the project, including specific tasks that remain outstanding and must continue to be implemented, which the project will end in June 2024, such as continuing to promote the investment plan of the vegetable group and the maize group, the promotion of seeds and the rice production group, monitoring the business plans of all agri-business in the 05 provinces, continuing to monitor the implementation of the sub-project to improve irrigation rehabilitation in the project area, including the evaluation of the implementation of the GAP good agricultural standards of the seed production group and the rice production group that have been approved for agriculture. Comment and lesson learnt were directly share on the meeting about the implementation of the project in each component and World Bank guidelines to prepare for new projects to be funded in the future.

The Wrap-up for the 10th Implementation Support Mission of LACP
- Post author:admin
- Post published:3rd October 2023
- Post category:Uncategorised
- Post comments:0 Comments
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